Hayesville First United Methodist Church


989 U.S. 64 Business, Hayesville, NC 28904

PHONE: (828) 389-8413

EMAIL: hfumc@hayesvillefirst.org

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Hayesville First United Methodist Church

Good Morning Church:

A friendly reminder that we are asking that you return your belong.believe.bless. Estimate of Giving cards at the worship services on Sunday. There will be a special time in the service for you to place your cards on the altar rail as we consecrate these cards and ourselves to God’s work and mission in the coming year. If you are not able to join us on Sunday, please send in your card or bring it to the church as soon as you can. These estimates are a valuable guide as we plan and project for next year and they signify an important commitment to God’s work in the world through HFUMC.

Please remember that you may also give electronically through the HFUMC website at www.hayesvillefirst.org Simply go to the giving tab and follow the instructions. You may give a one-time gift or set it up to make automatic draws on a weekly or monthly basis. You will soon see special electronic giving cards in the pew racks as well. The cards are a way for those of you who give electronically to participate in the offering on Sundays. Simply grab one of the cards and put it in the offering plate during the service. They are also designed so you can scan the card with your phone and it will take you to our giving page and you may give electronically at your pew. Look for those in your pew racks soon.

That is all for now. Be the face of Christ.



989 U.S. 64 Business, Hayesville, NC 28904 -- 8:30AM & 11:00AM Sunday Service
For more information -- EMAIL: hfumc@hayesvillefirst.org, PHONE: (828) 389-8413
Copyright © 2014, Hayesville First United Methodist Church, All rights reserved

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